Lauren Lambie-Hanson is a senior advisor and research fellow in the Consumer Finance Institute at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Her work focuses on the residential mortgage market, households' access to credit, and housing affordability. Her research has been published in academic journals such as the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy and the Journal of Urban Economics. She also worked as a principal financial economist in the Philadelphia Fed's Supervision, Regulation, and Credit department, where she conducted mortgage risk-related research, as well as loss forecast modeling and examination work in support of the Federal Reserve System's large bank stress testing efforts. Prior to joining the Philadelphia Fed in 2013, Lauren worked in the Boston Fed’s Research Department.
Lauren was elected to the board of directors of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association, and she served as chair of its Women in Real Estate Network. Currently she is a member of the Journal of Housing Economics editorial board and the Urban Institute Housing Finance Policy Center’s Academic Research Council. She holds a PhD in urban and regional studies from MIT and a master’s degree in public policy from the University of California, Berkeley.