Directing Foreign Direct Investment into the Areas of Greatest Need

Choose New Jersey
New Jersey
Organization Overview:

Choose New Jersey is New Jersey’s leading nonprofit economic development organization. We stimulate job creation and attract capital investment with the aim of growing New Jersey’s economy. We market New Jersey globally as the most ideal state in the U.S. to live, work, and play, and we guide businesses in establishing or expanding operations here.

Project Name:
Directing Foreign Direct Investment in the Areas of Greatest Need
Project Type:
Data Analysis
Impact Analysis
Performance Management
Performance Metric
Project Overview:

Choose New Jersey would like to ensure that the work it does on behalf of the state benefits the areas most in need of investment. We would like a capstone student to identify the areas of greatest economic need in New Jersey based on rates of poverty and measures of economic development and analyze how current foreign direct investments and interstate investment stock and flows compare with labor demand and these measures of economic need. 

This project would also give a student the opportunity to do some analysis of labor markets, functional metro economies, commuter patterns, gross value added, and relative economic impact of inward investment and business attraction.


The end product would be an analysis of foreign direct investment and inter-state investment stock and flows and how that compares with varying labor demand, measures of economic development, and rates of poverty.

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